2005 Council Announcements

May 10, 2005

City Council Announcements


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.  Tour of the Northwest Quadrant. In 2002, Council Members were invited to take a tour of the Northwest Quadrant by land and by helicopter. Additional tours are now available. A limited number of people can go on each helicopter tour, and the entire tour will take approximately four hours. Please let Council staff know if you are interested.  Council Members wanted to wait until the budget process was complete.


2. Ambulance Request for Proposal. The Council has received a letter regarding the ambulance RFP. Are Council Members interested in becoming involved this issue?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said she would follow-up on information the Council had previously requested.  She said she would forward information which had been received from the Fire Department to the Council.


B. For Your Information


1.  Attached are several Grant Applications.



Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:   Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM: Grant Acquisition Team

DATE: 5/11/2005

SUBJECT:    Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program (LETPP)

FUNDING AGENCY:   Utah State Dept. of Emergency Services, U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Office of Emergency Preparedness


DATE SUBMITTED:   March 14, 2005   


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required                      In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)



The funds from 2005 SHSP will be used purchase equipment to complete Phase Two of the interoperable communications plan.



Grant Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       5/11/2005

SUBJECT:    Salt Lake City Million Solar Roofs Partnership

  FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Office of the Mayor

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:   Sanyo, Utah Clean Energy, Utah Power

DATE SUBMITTED:         April 26, 2005   


      Technical Assistance               Equipment Only

      Provides                        FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required     20 %                In Kind      Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


     Salt Lake City submitted a continuation application to the U.S. Department of Energy Million Solar Roofs Initiative Small Grant Program for State and Local Partnerships.     


     The City is requesting $50,000 for the Phase 2 Implementation Plan of the Salt Lake City Million Solar Roofs Partnership.  Public and private agencies involved in the Salt Lake City Million Solar Roofs Partnership include Salt Lake City Corporation; Sanyo, a worldwide leading manufacturer in solar photovoltaic modules; Utah Clean Energy; and Utah Power.


     If awarded, the grant monies will fund the implementation of the following activities by the Partnership:

1)    Initiate the installation of a highly visible  20kW solar demonstration project in Salt Lake City;

2)    Secure approval from the Utah Public Services Commission for a pilot utility photovoltaic buy-down program; and

3)    Conduct public education to raise awareness about the viability of solar energy and the incentives and resources available to reduce financial barriers.


     A 20-percent match is required for the grant.  Salt Lake City is providing $7,000 for match through in-kind of salaries of staff working on the project.


     Summary of project budget, federal grant request, and matching funds:


            City Match  Match Federal Request   Total

      Personnel   $7,000      $3,000      $0    $10,000

      Fringe Benefits   $0    $0    $0    $0

      Travel      $0    $0    $2,100      $2,100

      Equipment   $0    $0    $0    $0

      Supplies    $0    $0    $0    $0

      Contractual $0    $0    $47,900     $47,900

            Total $7,000      $3,000      $50,000     $60,000



Grant Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       5/11/2005

SUBJECT:    Water Efficiency Benchmarking for New Single Family Homes


  FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Environmental Protection


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Department of Public Utilities

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:   Aquacraft and nine municipal water agencies in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Oregon and Texas

DATE SUBMITTED:         April 22, 2005   


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides                        FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required     0   %               In Kind      Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


     Salt Lake City is acting as the fiscal agent and lead applicant for the submission of a grant application to the EPA’s Water Quality Cooperative Agreement Allocation grant program.   


     The City is requesting $400,000 over 30 months for a research study to identify water efficiency benchmarks for new single family homes and to provide an empirical basis for understanding household water use.


     It is the intent of the City to sign a sole source contract with Aquacraft, Inc. of Boulder, Colorado to serve as the principal investigator for the study.  Aquacraft has developed the household data collection techniques essential to the project and has a proven track record of complex data collection and analysis.  Results from previous studies conducted by Aquacraft have been used for water master planning nationwide.


     There are no required matching funds, however, each municipal water agency that is participating as a study site will contribute $20,000 to the study. 


     Summary of three-year project budget, federal grant request, and matching funds:



            City Cost Share   Cost Share  Federal Request   Total Project    

      Personnel   $0    $0    $31,647     $31,647

      Fringe Benefits   $0    $0    $11,140     $11,140

      Travel      $0    $0    $0    $0

      Equipment   $0    $0    $0    $0

      Supplies    $0    $0    $0    $0

      Contractual $20,000     $180,000    $357,213    $557,213

      Other $0    $0    $0    $0

            Total $20,000     $180,000    $400,000    $600,000



Award Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       5/11/2005

SUBJECT:    Partnerships for Lead-Safe Communities

  FUNDING AGENCY: The United States Conference of Mayors

REQUESTED AMOUNT: - One Award for Excellence = $175,000

      - Two Awards for Distinction = $100,000

      - Best Practice Award = $0

DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Office of the Mayor

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:   Salt Lake Valley Health Department

DATE SUBMITTED:         April 22, 2005   


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides                        FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required          %              In Kind      Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


     Salt Lake City submitted an application to the 2005 Cities United for Science Progress Lead-Safe…for Kids’ Sake program.     


     Partnerships for Lead-Safe Communities is a new program to address lead-base paint hazards and to protect the health and safety of young children in Salt Lake City.


     If a monetary award is received, the City will implement Partnerships for Lead Safe Communities in partnership with Salt Lake Valley Health Department. 


     Salt Lake Valley Health Department will implement the program activities, and Salt Lake City will serve as the fiscal agent.


     The goals of the program are:


1.    Reduce lead-based paint hazards

2.    Increase the health and safety of community residents

3.    Increase the private sector involvement in lead poisoning prevention and elimination




Grant Submission Notification Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       5/11/2005

SUBJECT:    Salt Lake City Weed & Seed Strategy

  FUNDING AGENCY: U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Community Capacity Development Office, Office of Weed and Seed


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Community Development Department, Housing and Neighborhood Development

COLLABORATING AGENCIES:       Capitol West Boys & Girls Club, Lied Boys & Girls Club, Neighborhood Housing Services, Salt Lake City Police Department, Salt Lake City Prosecutor’s Office, Salt Lake County Courts, Salt Lake Housing Authority, Salt Lake Peer Court, University Neighborhood Partners, United States Attorney’s Office, Utah Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms

DATE SUBMITTED:         May 4, 2005


      Technical Assistance               Equipment Only

      Provides          1             FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant

      Explanation:      The 2005-2006 continuation grant requests 15-months of salary, fringe and benefits for the full-time Weed & Seed coordinator.  The coordinator position has been funded through the grant since 1997. 

      Match Required     0 %                 In Kind      Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


     Salt Lake City submitted the final continuation grant application of its five-year Weed and Seed official recognition from the U.S. Department of Justice.


     The grant request is for $225,000 to continue the implementation of strategies that “weed” out crime and “seed” in neighborhood stability through collaborations of residents, local/federal government, and non-profit agencies.


     No matching funds are required.


     Project budget summary: 



      Category    Federal Request

      Personnel   $135,358

      Fringe      $32,165

      Travel      $2,772

      Equipment   $0

      Supplies    $4,705

      Contracts   $50,000

      Other $0

      Total $225,000