2007 Council Announcements

March 6, 2007


Additional City Council Announcements

March 6, 2007


A. Information Needed by Staff


1. A consultant for the proposed Sugar Mill Condominium project located at 1400 E. 2100 S. (approx.) has invited Council Members to participate in a tour of the project area or in a meeting to discuss their proposed development.  The proposed development would include demolition of existing commercial and residential structures and construction of 27 residential condominium units in two structures with underground parking. (Building height would be 35 feet.) 


This would require:

     rezoning 6 properties from Neighborhood Commercial CN and Residential R-1/5,000 to Residential Multi-family RMF-35

o     3 properties located along 2100 S. are currently zoned Neighborhood Commercial, and

o     3 properties to the north along 1400 East and adjacent to the alley are currently zoned Residential R-1/5,000

     amending the Sugar House Master Plan

     closing a portion of an alley located between the properties 


On Wednesday, February 28, 2007, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the applicant’s petitions and receive public comment.  The Planning Commission voted to recommend to the City Council that all 3 requests be denied.  Please see the attached summary of Planning Commission actions for details relating to findings made by the Commission.


Would Council Members be interested in a tour or meeting with the consultant?  


Council Members wanted to wait until the issue came before the Council


City Council Announcements

March 6, 2007


A. Information Needed by Council Staff

1. The City Council School Board Subcommittee (Council Members Jergensen, Love and Simonsen) is waiting to have the date of Friday, March 23, 2007 at 12:00 noon confirmed with the School Board as their next quarterly meeting date.  Could the Council please provide any suggested agenda meeting topics?  Dr. McKell Withers is planning to ask the School Board Subcommittee members for their list of suggested agenda topics when they meet on Tuesday, March 6th.

The following were suggested as topics:

Traffic studies at schools. What part of the city are schools need so the City could co-locate other facilities. Will the new voucher law affect after school programs. Putting a practice swimming facility at the North West Multi Purpose Center for West High students.

2. Council Member Christensen would like to know if the Council is supportive of hiring a consultant to perform an audit of the City’s current Emergency Response Plan (both the main plan, and individual department plans) and identify any inconsistent or missing pieces.

 Council Members were in favor of a consultant.

3. South Davis Transit Corridor Study: Kim Clark from H.W. Lochner contacted Council staff last week because the company is starting research on potential mass transit corridors from South Davis County to Salt Lake City. Ms. Clark said the firm would like to organize a committee of residents to provide comment on what they see as potential routes into Salt Lake City and the effect those routes might have on neighborhoods. Neighborhoods in Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4 probably would be affected the most.  Ms. Clark said she would like to have about 10 residents serve on the committee. Council Members Christensen and Turner have suggested names for the committee. Would any other Council Member like to provide names of people that Ms. Clark could contact to ask to serve on this committee?

Russell Weeks will talk to Council Members to get names of co citizens and business that could serve on the committee.

4. Is the Council interested in contracting with BBC Research and Consulting and Galena Consulting to conduct a study of the City’s Concrete Replacement Program?  Below is a summary of their study proposal of the City’s Concrete Replacement Program.

            BBC Research & Consulting and Galena Consulting recently prepared a study of the City’s street lighting program and funding options which is currently under review by the Administration prior to being submitted to the Council Office.  The City Council previously selected a Concrete Replacement Program subcommittee at the March 30, 2006 Council Work Session consisting of Council Members Christensen, Turner and Simonsen. 

            Given the similarities associated with funding and equity issues between the City’s Street Lighting Program and Concrete Replacement Program, a request was made of BBC Research & Consulting and Galena Consulting to also submit a proposal to conduct a study of the City’s Concrete Replacement Program.  The consultants were specifically asked to address current program challenges including inadequate funding and multiple funding sources, as well as propose potential program options, since they have familiarized themselves with the City’s infrastructure through the previous study. 


This issue will be moved to a sub-committee for a report to the Council.



Proposed Budget

Complete this study -- not-to-exceed $18,700 (includes professional time and direct expenses such as travel and report production costs).


A statement of their firms’ relevant experience includes:  

1.    Analyses of the program and funding options for the SLC Street Sweeping, Urban Forestry, Engineering, Parks special events, and Youth Services programs;

2.    Salt Lake City fiscal impact analysis:  Potential fiscal impact of the City’s slow population growth in comparison to faster growing suburban communities.

3.    Recently completed City’s Street Lighting Program study, and;

4.    Various analyses performed for the cities of Logan, Draper, Parker, CO; Casa Grande, AZ; and Greenwood Village, CO – Totalling approximately 30 clients annually, BBC prepares fiscal impact studies evaluating the likely public costs and revenues imposed by proposed new developments.


As part of the Concrete Replacement Program study, they have proposed a ten-step project plan that involves:


1.    Review analysis conducted to date;

2.    Conduct research of best practices;

3.    Identify Concrete Replacement Program options;

4.    Estimate costs associated with program options;

5.    Prioritize program options;

6.    Analyze Funding Issue;

7.    Identify and prioritize alternative financing options;

8.    Identify recommended implementation and management;

9.    Prepare draft report; and

10.   Prepare final report.


Proposed Schedule

Produce draft report within 90 days of contract execution, finalize report ASAP thereafter.


Anticipated City Staff Involvement:  


           Attendance at meetings with the study team to facilitate project management

           Participation in data collection and cost estimation

           Review draft and final reports to ensure accurate interpretations of local government data