2004 Council Announcements

March 2, 2004


City Council Announcements

March 2, 2004



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Board Appointment extension: The Mayor is recommending that Mr. Daniel J. H. Greenwood’s term on the Housing Trust Fund Advisory Board be extended from December 29, 2003 to December 25, 2006.  Mr. Greenwood was interviewed July 1, 2003 and approved on July 8, 2003. Is the Council in Favor of this adjustment?


2. Interim Financial Statement (Six Months Ending December 31, 2003)

      Attached is the Interim Financial Statements for the period ending December 31, 2003. Two items of possible concern and impact are highlighted in the report. 1- Sales tax revenue is below budget by $513,778. Sales tax will not be collected on cable and satellite due to revocation of legislation. 2- Parking meter collections are below budget by $167,887. Approximately $93,000 is due to the free parking that was offered in December, the remaining $75,000 is due to under collection and decreased meter bagging revenue.

            Attachment:  Interim Financial Statements


3. Quarterly Housing Report for Fiscal Year 2003-04, second Quarter. Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report?


4. In October of 2002, the Council and Mayor adopted a resolution declaring April 30, 2003 as “El Día de Los Niños”. The people who requested that resolution have made two new requests: 1) adopt a resolution declaring April 30th of every year as this special day (rather than making the request every year), and 2) change the day to be El Día de Los Niños / El Día de Los Libros (the Day of the Children and the Day of the Books), which is consistent with the resolution.


      Attached is the suggested version. Would Council Members be in favor of       supporting the resolution? If Council Members are in favor, staff will check with the       Mayor’s staff to see if he would like to be included.



B. For Your Information


1. Please see the attached memos for notification and details of grant applications submitted to: 1) R. Harold Burton Foundation, 2) Microsoft Corporation, 3) PacifiCorp