2007 Council Announcements

July 17, 2007


City Council Announcements

July 17, 2007


A. Information Needed by Staff


1. Interlocal Agreement with Salt Lake County relating to the North Salt Lake property to be acquired for open space preservation: At the request of some Council Members, the following language was drafted by the Attorney’s office to be included in the interlocal agreement with the County relating to the North Salt Lake property.


“The Joint Open Space may be used by dogs if they are on leash and their owners clean up any dog feces.”


The Attorneys office indicated the proposed language will accomplish the same requirement that already exists on the Bonneville Shoreline Trail. One Council Member suggested holding a discussion before moving ahead.  How would the Council like to approach this?  All Council Members were in favor of the proposed language from the Attorney’s regarding dogs in the interlocal agreement except Councilmember Simonsen who was not in favor of the language. 


2.  Bond Election Costs: Is the Council ok with including language in the election agreement with the County stating that the County will provide “Bond Election” services in addition to the Mayoral and Council elections?  This language would preserve the Council’s option of reimbursing the costs of the bond election with bond proceeds.  If the bond does not pass the election costs would not be reimbursed and would have been paid for out of the general fund.  The Administration is recommending that it is prudent to preserve all options.  Council Members wanted to preserve all options.