2006 Council Announcements

August 8, 2006


Additional Announcements

August 8, 2006


A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1. Downtown Rising Initiative: Staff has placed at your chairs revised options for the City Council statement that would appear in the Salt Lake Chamber’s newspaper insert about the Downtown Rising initiative. The insert is scheduled to be delivered in both daily newspapers on August 28. Staff has incorporated changes suggested by City Council Members in each option.  Council Members were in favor of Jill’s paragraphs.


To date:


Council Members Buhler and Christensen said they prefer the second option revised by Council Member Christensen.


Council Member Saxton said she was OK with either option, including the one with Council Member Christensen’s revisions.


Council Member Simonsen said he prefers the first option with revisions he provided.


Council Member Love said she was leaning toward the second option with Council Member Christensen’s revisions but may wish to suggest further revisions.


Council Member Jergensen said he preferred the second option but may wish to suggest further revisions.


2. Last year the Mayor enacted an "Expense Review Policy" that became effective in January 2006. Under this policy, an expense review committee is to make a semi-annual review of city expenses for the following: travel, meals/refreshments, tuition, training, personal membership fees, professional continuing education costs, professional licensing fees, and entertainment. The committee is to be composed of three members, one appointed by the Mayor (Char Sylvester), one appointed by the City Council (me), and a citizen selected by the other two members. Do you have any recommendations for a resident to serve on the committee?  Council Members were in favor of asking John Sitner.


3. Group photo: Is the Council interested in posing for a photo for constituent requests, website and other things that might come up? Currently the photos we have are not appropriate for full size framing. We would do this on a regular Council meeting night.  Council Members agreed to have their picture taken.


4. The City Council Office was contacted by Joanne Milner who called on behalf of the Italian community.  The Italian community is planning a cultural street fair on 300 South along Pioneer Park on August 19th and they would be appreciative if a city resolution could be presented at their event proclaiming August 19, 2006 as Italian Day.  Council staff is checking in with the Mayor’s Office to find out if the Mayor is interested in a joint resolution and whether he has any suggested changes to the language.  Council Chair is in approval of presenting a resolution to the Italian community.  If Council Members have any concerns or changes to the resolution, please let Council staff know.  Council Chair, Dave Buhler, plans to attend the opening ceremony of the Italian street fair to present the resolution to the community.  Coucnilmember Christensen said they could hold a short meeting before the next RDA meeting or they could present the resolution this Thursday.


5. The Public Services YouthCity Division applied for and received the following grants from the Utah State Department of Workforce Services under the Youth Connections Grant Program.


Ottinger Hall                  $23,540

Liberty Park                   $30,000

Fairmont Park                $30,000


Total                             $83,540


      These grants were received to pay the wage and benefits of the individual site Program Assistant and two seasonal Program Facilitators.  This is a new grant that was applied for in May and received in July.  This grant will take the place of the portion of EGAR grants funds that have been used to fund the positions, but have now been used up.  This new grant is part of YouthCity’s sustainability funding plan that replaces previous grant funds.


      The Youth Connections Grant of $83,540 represents the first year award of a three (3) year grant.  YouthCity expects to receive the same grant for two additional years.  The grant requires a 100% match from the City which the City will meet by existing budget already appropriated in the 2006/2007 budget.


      The Department of Workforce Services has told the City’s grant administrator that it needs to receive the City’s acceptance of grant terms within the next couple of day or it may withdraw the grant.  YouthCity had planned to submit the grant resolution with the 1st Budget Amendment scheduled for October, but has now discovered that the City’s response cannot wait until that date.


      I respectfully request that the City Council discuss accepting the grant now, and with a straw pole vote authorize Mayor Anderson to sign the grant documents so that we can meet the State’s timetable.  A Resolution will be submitted in the budget amendment to finish the process work.  Council Members were in favor of accepting the grant.





WHEREAS,   The Italian immigrants have played an integral role in the history of Utah, and in the fabric of our modern day society; and


WHEREAS,    Italian-Americans and their descendents are a basis for the diverse cultural community we now celebrate in Salt Lake City; and


WHEREAS,    The Italian Center of the West is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the best of Italian arts, culture and education; and


WHEREAS,    The Italian Center of the West’s mission is to promote and preserve the awareness of Italian-American involvement in shaping the past, present, and future of the region; and

WHEREAS,    The Italian Center is located across the street from Pioneer Park, which was historically an area considered “Little Italy” by Italian immigrants between the 1890s and 1920s; and


WHEREAS,    “Little Italy” once again is being transformed as an area with Italian influence, and a place where the Italian Center can preserve and share its rich cultural heritage; and

WHEREAS,    “Ferragosto” is an Italian Cultural Street Fair sponsored by the Italian Center; and

WHEREAS,    “Ferragosto” is held annually on the third Saturday in August to coincide with traditional celebrations in Italy; and


WHEREAS,    “Ferragosto” is a family-oriented event for all people who enjoy and want to experience Italian culture including food, music, dance, art, crafts, merchandise, entertainment, family heritage, and traditions.




      that the Mayor and the Salt Lake City Council proclaim, Saturday, August 19, 2006, as Italian Day in Salt Lake City, Utah.



_______________________________           _____________________________

Ross C. “Rocky” Anderson      David L. Buhler, District Six

Salt Lake City Mayor    Salt Lake City Council Member, Chair     



______________________________________    ____________________________________

Van Blair Turner, District Two      Carlton J. Christensen, District One

Salt Lake City Council Member, Vice Chair Salt Lake City Council Member



______________________________________    ____________________________________

K. Eric Jergensen, District Three   Nancy Saxton, District Four  

Salt Lake City Council Member Salt Lake City Council Member



______________________________________    ____________________________________

Jill Remington Love, District Five  Søren D. Simonsen, District Seven

Salt Lake City Council Member Salt Lake City Council Member


City Council Announcements

August 8, 2006


A. Information Needed by Council Staff


1. Donation request for 2007 Rotary International Convention: Salt Lake City was originally selected for the 2011 Rotary convention, but because New Orleans will be unable to host the convention in 2007, Rotary International asked Salt Lake Rotary to host the convention in 2007. The Host Organizing Committee expects between 18,000 to 22,000 visitors. The $2,150,000 budget for the host committee includes fund raising of $850,000 from government & corporate sponsorships. The University of Utah Bureau of Economic and Business Research estimates that convention attendees will spend an average of $871 at any given three-day convention. The Host Committee states that Rotarians constitute an unusually high-income demographic and are likely to spend more during their stay. The Host Committee estimates a total of $22 million for the local economy. The attached letter from the Host Committee is asking for a $50,000 donation. Would the Council like to have a policy discussion relating to donation requests for conventions?  Councilmember Saxton wanted to know what the money was going to be used for and how it would benefit Salt Lake City. 


      The City does not usually contribute to functions of this nature but this is unusual due to the need to step in for New Orleans, and because this is one of the largest conventions Salt Lake City will have the opportunity to host.  Does the Council wish to consider the request and / or establish a policy that would clarify whether exceptions of this nature can be considered?


2. Council Member Saxton is continuing her efforts to finalize plans for the District Four Olympic Legacy Project.  She is requesting to use $2,000 from the District Four Olympic Legacy funds to compensate a designer to provide conceptual sketches of the artwork and project.  In approximately three weeks, sketches will be available for the Council to review.  Additional information regarding the finalized plans for the project will be forthcoming.


      The following information has been provided as an update:

      PROJECT PURPOSE:  The purpose is to create an Olympic Legacy project in Council District Four to commemorate the citizens’ experience of the 2002 Winter Olympics by capturing memories in word and image.

      PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION:  The project is envisioned as having two parts.  The first part will be a public art project designed to help trigger memories of what it was like to host the Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City in 2002.  Council Member Saxton is proposing to use the east-west wall located at the Promenade at Library Square.  (The wall runs east of KCPW’s office to 300 East.)  The project will include a series of images and words as a reminder of the Olympic experience.  The artwork may use a combination of mosaic pieces, sculpture, or movable elements, such as wind chimes.  It is intended for some of the artwork to remind visitors of what the city looked like and where the Olympic venues were located.  Materials used for the project may include stone, tiles, concrete and other surface treatments.

The second portion of the project consists of an Olympic Legacy Archive which is proposed to be facilitated by the Center for Documentary Arts.  This will involve interviewing individuals involved in organizing, hosting, and participating in the Olympic Winter Games.  These interviews, as well as photos and memorabilia, will form the basis of the Olympic Legacy Archive at the Leonardo.  The archive will be accessible to the public and digitized for public access. 

      DESIGN:  Due to the nature of Council Member Saxton’s project, the design and drawings cannot be accomplished ‘in house’ as other Olympic Legacy projects have been done.  The District Four Olympic Legacy Committee, which consists of Nancy Boskoff, Kent Miles, Ben Behunin, Nancy Saxton and Talitha Day, has requested design assistance from Norm Judd, a local art exhibit designer.  Mr. Judd will provide a preliminary sketch or concept of the art project components, and then refine the sketch after receiving input from the Committee in a format that will allow an architect, engineer or contractor to cost out the project.

      REQUEST FOR AN INTERN:  A portion of the project will involve the collection or gathering of comments, photos and memorabilia from members of the community.  The District Four Olympic Legacy Committee has suggested the option of using a volunteer or intern to gather and organize the memorabilia.  The intern could be housed at the Center for Documentary Arts.


      OLYMPIC LEGACY CRITERIA:  Council Member Saxton’s project will comply with the criteria for Olympic Legacy Projects.  The criteria are listed again for your information.



     The Project’s end product will provide a long-term improvement to the City.

     The Project will be located on City-owned property and will be easily accessible to the community.

     The Project will include the creation of public art or a public art piece.

     The Project will identify potential maintenance costs and propose funding source(s) for such costs.

     The Project proposal shall provide an illustration of the end product.

     The end product shall display a plaque indicating the Salt Lake City 2002 Winter Olympics Legacy   monies were used in whole or in part to fund the Project.

     The Project proposal shall recommend the appropriate department within the City to manage and appropriate the funds for each Project.


     The project shall meet all the criteria set forth above and shall be submitted to the City Council for review.

     Prior to submittal, the Councilperson of each council district shall have obtained input from residents of the district regarding the Project, including input from the Community Councils within     the district.

     After Council review, projects shall be placed for consideration of approval on a City Council     agenda

     Distribution of funds for each district shall be determined by the Project(s) approved, not by the number of Community Councils.


     Each project shall follow the procurement policies of the City in creating the project, such as     competitive bidding.

      Do Council Members have any questions regarding the project?  All Council Members were in favor of the project.


B. For Your Information


1. Attached are several grant applications submitted by the City.



Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       8/9/2006

SUBJECT:    YouthCity After-School, Summer & Employment Programs

FUNDING AGENCY:   Henry W. & Leslie M. Eskuche Foundation


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Foundation


DATE SUBMITTED:         July 31, 2006   


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required     0%              In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)




     Salt Lake City Foundation submitted a grant application to The Castle Foundation requesting $3,000 in general operating support for the YouthCity After-school & Summer Program and the Employment Program for the 2005-2006 program year.


     No matching funds are required.


Grant Submission Update Memo

TO:         Rocky Fluhart, Steve Fawcett, Cindy Gust-Jenson

FROM:       Grant Acquisition Team

DATE:       8/9/2006

SUBJECT:    YouthCity Employment Program

FUNDING AGENCY:   American Express Philanthropic Program


DEPARTMENT APPLYING:    Salt Lake City Foundation


DATE SUBMITTED:         July 28, 2006   


      Technical Assistance (Training)           Equipment Only

      Provides       FTE Position(s)

            Existing          New             Overtime            Requires Funding After Grant



      Match Required     0%              In Kind         Cash

      Computer Software Development            In House           Contract Services  

      New Program (City not performing function now)


     Salt Lake City Foundation submitted a grant application to The Castle Foundation requesting $7,500 for the YouthCity Workplace Mentoring Program for the 2006-2007 program year.

     The requested $7,500 will be used to purchase supplies and training materials, curriculum development, team building activities for youth and mentors, and stipends for eight students who participate in and complete the program.

No matching funds are required.