2008 Council Announcements

August 19, 2008



ULCT Dues Announcement

The Utah League of Cities and Towns has considered Salt Lake City’s request to revise the formula for membership dues, in order to bring Salt Lake City’s dues closer to the dues paid by other member Cities. 


The League Staff has proposed a “tiered” formula, which would decrease the rate applied to portions of the formula, once a City has reached a certain assessed value, or population. 


The effect of this change is that it will slow Salt Lake City’s dues increases, as Salt Lake City has reached both possible “tiers” in the formula.  As a result, other cities will “catch up” to Salt Lake City’s dues, until such time as they may reach either or both of the formula “tiers,” at which point their dues will also start to slow in growth.


The current formula is as follows:

City Total Assessed Value x .000003 +

Population x .20 +

Sales Tax Revenue x .0009


The proposed formula is as follows:

City Total Assessed Value – new tiers

(Under $10 billion x .000003) +

($10 billion to $25 billion x .0000015) +

($25 billion or more x .00000075) +

Population – new tiers

      (Under 175,000 x .2) +

      (175,000 to 250,000 x .1) +

      (250,001 and over x .05) +

Sales Tax Revenue x .0009


See spreadsheet on the reverse of this page for detail of Salt Lake City dues under the current and proposed formula. 


In addition – the League staff has agreed to propose a 10% “cap” to the board.  If the league collects dues in the amount of 10% above the previous year, any amount in excess of 10% will be distributed back to cities in amounts equal to the proportion of the leagues total dues revenue that the City pays.


League staff will present this proposal to the Board prior to the annual convention in September.  Do Council Members have any input or suggestions with regard to the proposal the League Staff has put together?