2010 Council Announcements

August 10, 2010



City Council Announcements

August 10, 2010


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.   A follow-up briefing regarding the Westmoreland Historic District was inadvertently left off the Council’s Work Session agenda. Planning staff had asked for an opportunity to discuss the option discussed during the Council’s briefing that would exclude allowing non-residential uses in historic buildings/sites in the Westmoreland Historic District.


    A memo was received last week from Planning and was provided in the Council packet. The memo provides background for this process and lists the following issues for discussion.


      Are the existing standards including the specific conditional use standards for the adaptive reuse of a Landmark Site as well as the general conditional use standards, sufficient to mitigate and adverse impacts to the neighborhood?

      Aare there compelling reasons to do away with this incentive that encourages the preservation of historic properties in the Westmoreland Place Historic District, and do these compelling reasons exist in other locally-designated historic districts?

      If this conditional use process is not allowed in the Westmoreland Place Historic District, will other designate historic districts request the same treatment?


    Would Council Members like to discuss this with Planning during the Work Session or in the Formal meeting as part of the scheduled public hearing?


    All Council Members were in favor of discussion during the Work Session.  All Council Members were in favor of removing the incentive in the Westmorland Historic District. 



2.   Resolution: Authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Salt Lake City Police Department

    Consider adopting a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign a Memorandum of Agreement between the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Salt Lake City Police Department to define the responsibilities of the parties concerning payment and reimbursement for the renovation costs, lease payments and other purchases associated with the space utilized by the Safe Streets Violent Crimes Task Force (SSTF).



Council Members were in favor.


    Staff Recommendation:                    Suspend the rules and adopt



3.   Council Staff has prepared a draft resolution regarding Immigration in Salt Lake City. The full language is currently under review by the Council. Council Staff is confirming whether or not this resolution will be done jointly with Mayor Becker.  In addition, it has been suggested that the Human Rights Commission be included. As such, the Human Rights Commission will also need to review the language.



    Is the Council interested in signing the joint resolution with the Mayor? The Human Rights Commission? If so, is the Council agreeable to possibly moving the potential resolution adoption to the first meeting in September due to the need for additional approvals?



City Council Announcements

August 10, 2010


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1.   Letter to Vest Pocket Coalition

    Attached is a draft letter from the City Council Chair thanking the Vest Pocket Coalition for its work to help the City develop its matching grant program and for its continued efforts to help small businesses become a sustainable economic resource.


    Does the Council approve the draft letter?


All members approved.



2.   Staff Cell Phone Use and Reimbursement

    Following up on previous discussion regarding staff cell phone reimbursements, attached is a policy for the Council’s review.


    Is the Council comfortable with moving forward with the proposed language?


All members approved.


3.   Follow-up to Council’s Retreat Discussion

        As a follow-up to the Council's retreat discussion, staff has prepared a list of questions for the Council's review and feedback to help prepare for the Policy Discussion on the 17th. (See attached.)