2007 Council Announcements

April 3, 2007


City Council Announcements

April 3, 2007



A. Information Needed by Council Staff

1. Attached is a letter that would request the administration look at another issue relating to the proposed private streets policy – private utilities.  Is the Council ok authorizing the Chair to send this letter?

Council Members supported sending the letter.

2. Legislative Action Item:  (Please see attached) 

      Council Member Jill Love would like to request that the Administration develop a “formula free business” and “form based” commercial zoning classification or regulations to be applied to small-scale, unique commercial areas within the City.


     Formula businesses, generally known as “chain stores”, include retail stores, restaurants, hotels and other establishments that are required by contract to adopt standardized services, methods of operation, décor, uniforms, and architecture including interior and exterior design, signage or other features virtually identical to businesses located in other communities or nationwide.

     Form based zoning regulations typically address building size, design, scale and massing, traffic, parking, and commercial district character through community design guidelines.  In some cases, a maximum overall district size is also established for the commercial zoning classification.


      A major objective in implementing this type of zoning regulation is to establish a more equitable playing field for locally-owned and operated businesses to compete in the market place. The intent would not be to preclude a formula business or chain store from locating in a specific location but to require the business to establish a unique establishment that does not conform according to a centralized formula.  Refinements in the Zoning Ordinance would ensure that new development is in scale and consistent with the surrounding neighborhood.


      Potential areas that could be considered in Salt Lake City include 1500 East and 1500 South, 900 East and 900 South, 1300 South and 1700 East, 2100 South and 2100 East, the Kmart/WalMart property at 2705 Parley’s Way and the Sugar House Business District.  Mayor Anderson has mentioned application of this type of zoning along 300 South.  Depending upon the outcome of initial efforts, locations in the Avenues, Capitol Hill, RosePark/Faripark, Poplar Grove/Glendale, and People’s Freeway communities could be considered in the future.


Councilmember Love said she wanted the Vest Pocket group to be involved.


      Would the Council support this Legislative Action?


Council Members were in support of the legislative action.

3. Utah League of Cities & Towns Legislative Policy Committee Membership: The Utah League of Cities & Towns has mailed forms for joining or renewing membership on the League’s Legislative Policy Committee. Currently, Council Members Jill Love and Eric Jergensen serve on the committee. However, according to the League, the City Council has another seat on the Policy Committee due to Council Member Love’s office on the League’s Executive Committee. The League would like to have the attached forms returned to the League office by April 9. Who on the Council would like to serve on the Legislative Policy Committee with Council Members Love and Jergensen?

Councilmember Christensen said he was interested in the position.

4. Attached is a Grant application submitted by the City. 


April X, 2007


Dear Mayor Anderson:


      Based on a situation raised by a constituent, Council Members have been meeting with Administrative staff from Planning and Public Utilities to discuss various issues surrounding the idea of having the City take ownership of private streets and their utilities - more specifically the issue of private utilities within these subdivisions.  Administrative Staff has been extremely cooperative in outlining the various policy implications and budgetary issues. 


      The Council’s Private Streets subcommittee would like to request a recommendation from the Administration on whether an amendment to the Private Streets Policy (previously transmitted to the Council) may be in order to more specifically address the issue of dedicating private utilities within a private subdivision to public ownership.


The following are concerns that have been highlighted specific to the constituent request.  The subcommittee would like these to be addressed in any policy transmitted:

     Whether or not the private utility is fed by City utilities (this opens up the issue of who is “at fault” if a private utility were to fail);

     Whether or not access is sufficient to a private utility (gated vs. non-gated subdivisions);

     Setting up a list of criteria that a private subdivision must meet before requesting the City take ownership of utilities;

     An updated cost analysis of taking over and upgrading, as necessary, private utilities to City standards based on the criteria mentioned above.  This cost analysis could contemplate scenarios of full to partial City financial responsibility (i.e. through an SID process);

     Whether it is good long-term City policy to require that all new private subdivisions have utilities built to City standards;

     Whether the City should change its policy and take ownership of all utilities in private subdivisions (existing and in the future).


The Council subcommittee requests that the Administration review these policy implications and budget issues and forward formal recommendations to the Council. 





      Van Turner

      Salt Lake City Council Chair

      District Two






APRIL 3, 2007

City Council Members,


Council Member Nancy Saxton would like to explore the idea of identifying funds as part of the budget fiscal year 2007/08 to allow each community council the option to mail once a year to all residents and business owners within their respective boundaries.


The mailings will serve as an outreach effort to involve more residents and business owners in the community council process. Estimated costs associated for each mailing amounts to approximately $40,000 (cost includes a postage rate of .41 cents per piece – postage rate effective April 10, 2007). Community councils would be encouraged to use a professional mailing service to obtain a discounted postage fee when possible.


Additionally, if a professional mailing service is used, there could be an additional cost of $100 per community council which involves having to hand pick the properties within specific boundaries (commonly mailing services mail according to zip codes) – $100 x 22 community councils = $2,200.


Also a $1,500 charge for Administrative costs to complete the mailings and mailing lists.


Total Estimated Cost - $43,700


It is important to note that the costs stated above do not reflect any printing or preparation costs. Presently the Community Affairs office works with various community councils to support funding for a limited number of registered and interested residents of Salt Lake City (rather than a community council-wide mailing). This program would not replace the existing program, but would provide a yearly opportunity to mail information to all residents within the various boundaries to increase interest and participation.

Items to consider if such funds are allocated for community council mailings:
1. The matter of which department would manage the funds would need to be identified.

2. The matter of requiring or suggesting use of a bulk mail rate for the mailings. 


Would City Council Members be willing to support budget allocation for this matter?


Councilmember Jergensen said he supported going with Community Councils independently mailing.


Ms. Gust-Jensen said more information regarding cost would be gathered.