2002 Council Announcements

September 5, 2002


City Council Announcements

September 5, 2002


1.    Utah Education Association (UEA) Convention

The UEA Convention will be held on Monday and Tuesday, October 14th and 15th this year. Currently, the City Council has a meeting scheduled for Tuesday the 15th.

Would Council Members like to consider canceling the Council Meeting on Tuesday, October 15th?   All Council Members present were in favor of holding a meeting on October 15th.



2.    September 11th – Patriot Day Resolution

As mentioned during last Tuesday’s Council Meeting, attached is a suggested resolution for adoption in remembrance and in honor of September 11th and its heroes. 

Do Council Members have any suggestions to change the resolution? Cindy asked the Council Members to let Lehua know of any changes so the resolution could be included in the September 10th packet.



3.    Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce Gala

On September 14th, Saturday, the Chamber will celebrate its 100th Year Anniversary at their “Back to the Future” Gala. This is a black tie event and will be held at the Grand America Hotel. The cost for a table is $1250.

Would Council Members be interested in purchasing a table for this event?  All Council Members present were in favor of purchasing one table.