2003 Council Announcements

September 16, 2003


City Council Announcements

September 16, 2003


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


 1. Last year the RDA submitted an application to the EPA for a Phoenix Award for the 500 West Park Block/Gateway Project.  This is part of the Brownfields Showcase program which we have been participating in for the last five years. The award will be presented on Wednesday, October 29th in Portland, Oregon at the Brownfields 2003 conference. The conference actually runs from Monday, October 27 through the 29th~ Sometime during the conference we will be asked to make a 20-25 minute presentation on the project. Jake Boyer and Valda are in the process of putting the presentation together.


Jake Boyer will be attending the conference to present and accept the award on behalf of Gateway Associates.  In past years elected officials have accepted the awards on behalf of the public entity involve in the project. Is a Council Member interested in accepting the award? Valda needs to know by the end of the week who will be attending.


Councilmember Jergensen will attend.


Salt Lake City Council Gateway / Downtown Fact Finding Meeting / Process


(Items where Council feedback is listed are in italics)


1.    Small group meetings with Consultants (ULI & Dave Wilcox) on Wednesday, September 17.  These meetings are to give the consultants feedback on what questions the Council would like to see addressed, and to get feedback from the consultants on any initial impressions they have developed. 


2.    Noon meeting to hear presentation from ULI on Thursday, September 18.  This will be a one-hour meeting to allow the Council Members to ask questions in more depth than would be possible due to the time constraints at the Thursday evening Fact Finding Meeting.  (Since this meeting is during the lunch hour, is it acceptable to the Council to order pizza for those in attendance?  We anticipate 40-50 people.)


All Council Members were in favor of ordering pizza for those in attendance.


3.    5:30 p.m. Thursday, September 18 Fact Finding Meeting, televised by Channel 17 and KUED Channel 7:

a.    Boyer Company – Petitioner

b.    Brenda Case Scheer – Dean, College of Architecture and Planning, University of Utah

c.    Property Reserve Inc.

d.    Dave Wilcox -- ERA

e.    Urban Land Institute


It is anticipated that each segment would take 30 minutes, 15 for the presentation and 15 for Council questions:


     Does the Council want to spend more than 15 minutes on questions for each section, or for some sections?  As is, the meeting would conclude at about 8:30. 


All Council Members were in favor of trying to limiting questions to 15 minutes and concluding at about 8:30 p.m. as done with the Main Street process.


     How does the Council want to structure / manage the question section – options could include:

     Each Council Member asks one question of each organization / person (Council Member comments, two-part questions or follow-up questions may be difficult to include due to time constraints.)


All Council Members were in favor of asking two questions as done in the Main Street process. 


     Allow for questions from 2 or 3 Council Members per organization / person (this would allow more time for Council Member comments, two-part questions or follow-up questions, but some Council Members may not get their questions answered.


All Council Members were in favor of using a rotating Council District progression for questions. Asking both questions at the same time.  Council positions rotating with each presenter.

     Does the Council want to reserve time at the end to ask further questions of the various organizations / individuals in the event that all questions aren’t answered under the approach the Council selects?


     In the Planning Commission environment the petitioner was given time for a brief response to the other presenters at the conclusion of the comment.  The petitioner has asked whether they would have the same opportunity at the Council meeting.  Does the Council wish to add time for that?


All Council Members were in favor of the petitioner following up in a written form.


4.    6:00 Thursday, October 9 Public Hearing, televised by Channel 17, and possibly by KUED Channel 7.


Councilmember Christensen requested that Councilmember Turner conducted on October 9, 2003.


6.    7:00 Tuesday, October 14 Council’s formal consideration of petition. Televised by Channel 17.