2006 Council Announcements

October 5, 2006


no announcements.


October 3, 2006 - additional

City Council Announcements

October 3, 2006


A. Information Needed by Council Staff

1. At the September 7 meeting of the COG, Robert Hull, UDOT, asked for the Council’s support of the 'Zero Fatalities' program.  He indicated that if you sent a letter of support it would be appreciated.  Also, if you wanted to add your logos to the Zero Fatalities website, that would be great. You can access the website at: http://www.zerofatalities.com" http://www.zerofatalities.com. Additional information is attached to these Announcements in the electronic file on SLC’s website. Mr. Hull suggests the following letter language:


      “The Salt Lake City Council strongly supports Utah’s Zero Fatalities program to increase safety and eliminate fatalities on our transportation system.  The Salt Lake City Council, agree to become an endorsing sponsor for the Zero Fatalities program.  You have the City Council’s permission to use our logo and to reference Salt Lake City Council in any program material.”


      Is the Council interested in sending a letter of support similar to the quote above? It would go to Robert Hull and John Njord at UDOT.

All Council Members present supported the program.


2. The National League of Cities Congress of Cities and Exposition Conference will be held from Tuesday, December 5, 2006 thru Saturday evening, December 9 in Reno, NV.  We have a few rooms reserved. Mobile workshop registration fills up fast, so please let staff know as soon as possible if you are interested in attending. The deadline for workshop registration is November 3, 2006.

Councilmember Buhler asked Council Members to notify staff in the next week.


3. Business License Fees Subcommittee - House Bill 98 of the 1997 Legislature required that municipal license fees be reasonably related to the costs of the services provided (UCA 10-1-203). The legislation requires that a cost analysis be made at least every five years.  Last year, the Administration updated the analysis and proposed adjustments to business license fees in connection with the annual budget for fiscal year 2006-07.   


      The Administration’s proposal was referred to by the Administration as a “hybrid” because the Administration evaluated each category and recommended a focus on special regulatory fees in some cases and in disproportionate costs of services fees in others. Because this issue is complex, the Council adopted only a portion of the proposed ordinance (i.e. reduced or eliminated fees where the study did not support the amount of fee that was previously charged; increased the base fee by $5 and the per-employee fee by $1; adopted permit fees relating to inspections performed by the fire prevention bureau).  


      The Council indicated that it would establish a Council subcommittee to work with the Administration in refining the proposed fee schedules to include input from the business community. Does the Council wish to appoint a subcommittee?

Councilmember Buhler wanted to defer the proposal to a later date.


Ms. Gust-Jenson asked if any Council Members were attending the Library of the Year celebration.


Council Members Buhler and Jergensen said they would be in attendance.