2003 Council Announcements

October 14, 2003


City Council Announcements

October 14, 2003


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. ONESTOP BUSINESS REGISTRATION:  Attached is a transmittal from the Administration regarding an interlocal agreement to participate in an online business registration web site.  “OneStop Business Registration” allows simultaneous registrations at the federal, state and local levels.  In the past, registering a business meant many hours of visiting different agencies.  The web site includes:

     Utah Department of Commerce – business name registration

     Utah State Tax Commission – tax account registration

     Utah Department of Workforce Services – unemployment insurance registration

     Utah Labor Commission – workers compensation coverage verification

     Utah Department of Environmental Quality – permit contact information

     Internal Revenue Service – federal employer identification number

     Utah Cities and Counties – business license (current participants are Sandy, Provo, and             Salt Lake City)

      The applicant will receive all the necessary licenses and account numbers all in one place.

      The web site can be accessed from home, libraries, etc.  Those individuals coming in person to an agency will be directed to a computer terminal.  Salt Lake City’s business licensing office will set up a computer in the public area of the office in a way to ensure privacy of information.  There are no extra charges for using the OneStop registration tool.  Each city, town or county that joins will pay the actual costs of special programming needs and a small portion of the costs of maintaining the web site.  Allowing the customer to pay the business license fees online will be one of the items that will be addressed in the second phase of the project. 


      Council staff’s understanding is that a Council resolution is not required because the interlocal agreement doesn’t meet one of the seven criteria of the 2003 Legislature’s changes to the Interlocal Cooperative Act (11-13-202.5).  Would the Council like to have a formal briefing on the City’s participation in the online business registration program?  Councilmember Buhler said he was glad to see this program.  He said he tried to implement a similar one years ago.  Council declined a formal briefing.

B. Council Office Policies

C. For Your Information Cindy Gust-Jenson gave Council an update on items scheduled on the October 14, 2003 meeting agenda.  In reference to item #F-1, she said the reports were attached to election canvass, and the City’s Election Coordinator would be present should Council have any additional questions.  In reference to item #F-3, Ms. Gust-Jenson briefed the Council on each of the proposed motions available on the Gateway / Main Street / Nordstrom item on the agenda.  A discussion was held on the intent of each motion and how it would affect the parties involved.    

D. Upcoming Appointments (see attached goldenrod sheet)

E. Upcoming Agenda items (see attached goldenrod sheet)

F. Informational Mail items received (see attached goldenrod sheet)