2003 Council Announcements

November 6, 2003


City Council Announcements

November 6, 2003



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Requiring revenue information during each budget opening


Are Council Members willing to draft a letter to the Administration or pass a legislative action item that would require the Administration to provide to the City Council updated revenue collection information and forecasts during each budget opening? During past budget amendments the Administration has proposed using fund balance in the general fund or enterprise funds to fund projects without an accounting of probable revenue. Without accurate current revenue collection data and forecasts the City Council may find themselves in the position of funding projects throughout the year only to have to allocate fund balance during the last budget opening of the year in an attempt to remain current expenses. Requiring the Administration to provide revenue collection history and forecasts will aid the Council in determining whether or not to allocate funds from fund balance.   Mr. Sears said the legislative intent said that the Council would receive a quarterly but they would handle grant related items, etc. if it was on an emergency basis.  Councilmember Lambert said if they received the information on a quarterly basis they could compare it.  Councilmember Christensen said they would draft a resolution and circulate it for comments.  All Council Members were in favor.