2002 Council Announcements

November 19, 2002


City Council Announcements

November 19, 2002


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Letter to Poplar Grove Community Council Chair -- Council staff has written a draft letter to Poplar Grove Community Council Chair Mark Smedley pertaining to the Community Council's request for a new environmental assessment of the Intermodal Hub. Are there any further revisions?  Council Members will review and let staff know of additional changes.


2. Senator-elect James Evans has made a request to be scheduled on an upcoming Work Session agenda. How would the Council like to respond to this request?  Council Members who wanted to meet with Mr. Evans could.  If there were four members wanting to meet, then an agenda would be done.  (Not during work session)  It was decided that the Administration would be invited to the meeting as well.



B. For Your Information


1. Legislative Breakfast -- Council staff has attached a memorandum pertaining to issues that may arise during the Council's breakfast November 22 with Salt Lake City legislators.