2010 Council Announcements

November 16, 2010


City Council Announcements

November 16, 2010


C.   Information Needed by Council Staff

1.  The Administration is working on the location of the 2011 Legislative Breakfast. They have suggested the breakfast be held at the Sorenson Unity Center.


               Is the Council agreeable on the proposed location?  Yes.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff would confirm the date and get back to the Council.


2.  A few Council Members have requested that the August 23, 2011 Council meeting be rescheduled to August 30, 2011 due to the first day of classes for the Salt Lake City School District.


      Does the Council approve the date change?  A majority of the Council was in favor of August 23rd.


3.   The Administration would like to schedule small group meetings to discuss in further detail, the proposed design for the new Public Safety Building.


      Cindy Harris will be contacting you with potential times, but if you have times in mind that work, please let staff know.   Council Members Garrott, Simonsen, Penfold and Christensen said they were interested.


4.   Public and Council Information during Council Meetings

      We have been working with Support Services and IMS to improve the clarity of information available to the Council and public during Council meetings.  We have always had difficulty assuring that the Council, presenters, the on-site audience and the can all see the materials available.


      As technology is improving some legislative bodies have added screens and other equipment to address this issue.  The other issue is that our current configuration takes a great deal of staff time in terms of taking the equipment up and down and moving it based upon the needs of the audience (sometimes several times in one day).


      The Administration is willing to bring in two different types of test equipment over the next few months so that the Council can weigh whether it is helpful to the audience, the television viewing public, the Council and those presenting to the Council.


      Is testing this acceptable to the Council or would you prefer to continue with the current approach?  A majority of the Council was in favor of testing new equipment.  Councilmember Christensen asked if one solution could include the ability to leave the lights on in the room.  Bill Haight said yes.  Councilmember Garrott suggested installing individual reading lamps.


5.   The second Land Use Leadership Alliance Training meeting is scheduled for this Friday, Nov. 19 from 8:00 to 3:30/4:00 at Kirton McConkie law offices, located on the 16th floor of the Eagle Gate Center, 60 E. S. Temple.  The meetings are lead by Craig Call from the Utah Land Use Institute.


      Discussion topics for Friday’s meeting are listed below.  Each person has been asked to identify a topic they would prefer to work on in break-out groups.


      Public Education - Design a strategy and identify resources

      Public Involvement - Explore mediums for participation

      Planning Process - Review existing application approval processes

      Aesthetics/Design - Draft a statement defining an appropriate balance between individual and community interests.

      Property Rights - Develop a consensus guideline statement defining property rights


      Future meetings are scheduled for the following dates. 

            Friday, Dec. 10, 2010

            Friday, Dec. 17, 2010


      Documents provided for your information include:

      agenda for the meeting this Friday

      summary of issues identified in the first meeting held on Friday, Nov. 5

      description of the program and logistics including parking directions

      list of participants


      They would like to encourage Council Member participation for the entire day, portions of the day or whatever amount of time fits your schedule.


      Please let staff know if you would like to participate, what discussion topic you would like to be involved with and if you have any questions.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said some materials were included in the packet.


D.   For Your Information Needed

1.   Downtown Merchants Association Reminder

      The Downtown Merchants Association Annual Meeting Breakfast will be held Thursday at 9 a.m. at the Gallivan Center office/stage. Mayor Ralph Becker is scheduled to speak. Amy Coady of Squatters Pub will turn over leadership of the association to Curtis Bennett of O.C. Tanner. The breakfast takes the place of the annual luncheon that the Merchants Association usually holds.  Ms. Gust-Jenson asked Council Members to let staff know if they wanted to attend.