2004 Council Announcements

November 16, 2004


Includes (Additional Announcements)

November 16, 2004



Don’t Forget:



1.    On Wednesday, November 17, at 9:30 a.m., the Mayor will hold a press conference to announce the initiation of the 900 South Quiet Zone in Salt Lake City. Council Members are invited to that announcement at the corner of Hayes Ave (940 South) and Emery St. (1170 West).

2.    Also on Wednesday, November 17, from 7:00 – 8:30 PM the Mayor will host “Bridging the Religious Divide” at the Main Library Auditorium.

3.    Lori Hacking Volunteer Search Appreciation Night. Friday, November 19, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM, Wells Fargo Center, 23rd Floor. Council Members and partners are invited to honor the volunteers who searched for Lori Hacking


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Vacancies on Citizens’ Compensation Advisory Committee (CCAC) – The purpose of the Citizens’ Compensation Advisory Committee is to make recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the compensation levels of the City’s elected officials and City employees.  The City Council appoints three of the seven positions on the Committee; the Mayor appoints three and one is appointed by the other six members. 


The term of two of the Council appointees, Jill Carter and Dr. Ron Coleman, expired on August 31, 2004.  Both appointees have served more than one term.  Both appointees are willing to continue to serve on the advisory committee until they are replaced.  According to the ordinance, the Mayor and City Council are to give consideration to achieving representation from a broad cross-section within the Salt Lake City community of occupational, professional, employee and management interests, including persons from academia, business, community councils and organized labor, and persons with compensation expertise. 


Can Council Members suggest individuals who could serve on this committee?  Another option is to ask the CCAC for suggestions as to replacements.  Ms. Gust-Jenson said if Council Members had any suggestions to let staff know. 



Don’t Forget:


Lori Hacking Volunteer Search Appreciation Night

Friday, November 19, 2004 7:00 PM-9:00 PM

Wells Fargo Center, 23rd Floor


City Council Members and their partners are invited to a night to honor the volunteers who searched for Lori Hacking.


7:00  Hot and Cold Hors D'Oeuvres

8:00  Recognition Program

8:40  Dessert Bar


Parking in parking structure will be validated.