2003 Council Announcements

May 29, 2003


City Council Announcements

May 29, 2003



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.    Mayor Anderson has written a letter to John Inglish urging him and the UTA Board of Directors to consider more carefully on the decision regarding an increase in the fixed route transit fare.  Mayor Anderson is concerned for members of the disabled community, as Flextrans fares are indexed directly to the regular fixed-route fares. Does the Council wish to consider a resolution in opposition to UTA’s proposed fare increase?


No Council Members wanted to consider a resolution.

Council Members Saxton, Love and Jergensen were interested in writing a letter.


2. Two appointments to keep in mind:

     GSA Open House, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Chamber of Commerce

     DMA Annual Downtown meeting, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Marriott Downtown, Olympus Ballroom


Some Council Members were interested in scheduling  a briefing regarding the Dan Jones survey with information by district after the budget process.


Ms. Gust-Jenson said Professor Martinez would look at the real estate documents for Main Street to evaluated any problems.