2005 Council Announcements

March 15, 2005

City Council Announcements


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.  The Utah League of Cities & Towns Legislative Policy Committee is requesting that Policy Committee members either indicate whether they wish to continue serving on the committee or that local governments provide representatives for the committee. Currently, Council Member Eric Jergensen serves on the Policy Committee. Does the City Council wish to continue that arrangement or alter it? City Council staff has attached the Policy Committee’s document for renewing membership or indicating a willingness to serve on the committee.  Councilmember Love was chosen to replace Councilmember Jergensen.


2. Colleen McLachlin with the City Library (524-8219) called to invite Council Members to a filming for CSPAN television. The traveling TV studio, contained in a bus that travels the U.S., will be at the Main Library on Tuesday, March 29 from 9am to 11am. They want to film “one of the best new libraries in the U. S.” for use in their broadcasts for the following week. Are any Council Members interested in attending?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said Council Members were invited to attend. 


3. Early advertising for public hearings – Three land-use petitions will be forwarded to the Council Office within the next few days. If the Council authorizes advertising of public hearings in advance of the briefings, the hearings can be held in April. Without advertising in advance, the hearings will be delayed until May.  Does the Council authorize advertising of public hearings on the following for items?  Yes

a.    500 North Street closure (remove crash gate condition)

b.    Menlo Street Closure (west near RC Willey warehouse)

c.    Street Closure – Edison Street between 600 & 700 South adjacent to Deseret Industries


4. Community Match Agreement – Council staff often prepares policies so that when a situation arises, there is a policy already in place.  In anticipation of future opportunities in which the City can collaborate with community organizations to identify and facilitate opportunities to share in the funding responsibility for joint projects within Salt Lake City, the attached Community Match Agreement was prepared.  Examples of past projects where this agreement might have applied include:


a)    The Leonardo

b)   700 East Median Project

            c)   Sugarhouse Draw


Do Council Members have any input regarding this agreement?  Do Council Members wish to include this agreement as part of Council policy?  Ms. Gust-Jenson said staff could write a policy which could be used as a guide.