2005 Council Announcements

March 1, 2005

City Council Announcements



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.  Solid Waste Management’s Operational Goals and Program Objectives for 2005. Attached is an informational quarterly update  

Would Council Members like to schedule a briefing?


All Council Members were in favor of a briefing with the focus not being on the quarterly update.


2. Upcoming Utah League of Cities and Towns conferences. 

      ULCT Mid Year Conference “Spring Thing”, April 14-15 at St. George - A full day of this conference covers current municipal issues.  The second day is spent reviewing the outcome of the most recent legislative session and its impact on local government.  Hotel reservations need to be made right away.


ULCT Road School, April 27-29 in St. George - ULCT, in cooperation with UDOT, is presenting this conference specifically for public works personnel.  Speakers present state-of-the-art techniques, money-saving alternatives, EPA compliance regulations, safety procedures and management skills.


3. Ground Transportation Study

Dr. Ray Mundy will be in Salt Lake City on March 2 and 3 to conduct a final series of interviews with people involved in the ground transportation industry. Dr. Mundy would like to return March 8 to discuss the study with either members of the City Council Taxi Subcommittee or the full City Council.  The discussion on March 8 would include an overview of Salt Lake City’s current situation and a comparative analysis, including policy alternatives. After the March 8 discussion, Dr. Mundy would prepare a final report for public comment. Would the City Council prefer that the Taxi Subcommittee or the full Council hold discussions with Dr. Mundy on March 8? If March 8 would not work, is there an alternate date?


All Council Members were in favor of a full discussion  to be held on March 8, 2005.


4. Currently as part of a Special Improvement District (SID) process, community members are informed as part of the Notice of Intention that written protests against proposed improvements, assessments or against the creation of a District must be presented and filed in the Office of the Chief Deputy City Recorder on or before 5:00 p.m. on the day prior to the protest hearing.  According to bond counsel, Ballard Spahr, this is not a legal requirement. The intent of the deadline for written protests is an approach to collect all protests in a timely manner for the Council’s review at the time of the scheduled protest

hearing date.  Therefore, in actuality, a written protest can be accepted up to the time the protest hearing takes place.

Taking into account that protest responses are not tabulated on the night of the hearing and since the action the Council takes after a protest hearing is “close hearing and refer to Engineering for tabulation” –a message that the protest hearing is not valid could be perceived.

Would the Council like to discuss changing the deadline to the time of the public hearing?


All Council Members agreed with changing the deadline to the time of the public hearing.


B. For Your Information


1. Response to Council Inquiry: Web site hits for audio of council meetings

In response to an inquiry from last Thursday’s work session, Bill Haight reports that there has been a total of 3,871 hits and downloads of Council packet documents, or individuals logging into the audio recordings of work session meetings since July 1, 2004.


Additional Announcements


March 1, 2005


1.    District Five Olympic Legacy Project – Council Member Love has met with her Olympic Legacy Advisory Committee to decide on the final details of her project. A briefing before the Council will be scheduled soon, but there is a piece that needs more immediate review and a straw poll indicating a level of support.
 $30,575 will go toward improving the McClelland Trail between Liberty Heights Fresh market and Inglewood Park. The improvements will include the installation of bollards, re-paving with asphalt and the inlay of the Olympic snowflake at one end. The contractor will be placing an order for other bollards on another project and would like to combine the order.  Is it okay with the Council for this portion of the Legacy Project to move ahead?   All Council Members were in support of this.