2009 Council Announcements

June 2, 2009


City Council Announcements

June 2, 2009


A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1. The Council office has received the Quarterly Housing Report for the Third Quarter, FY 2008-2009.

Would the Council like to hold a briefing on the attached report?  No.

2. The City Council Electronic Packets will now be available for download through email. The source of the material is a secure server and will not allow access to individuals to download the material prior to verifying you as a designated recipient. The instructions to download the packet from the email are included as an attachment to this announcement. This change will discontinue the use of the slcdownloads website for packet material.

Would the full Council be interested in receiving the electronic packet via email?


3. Provided the new process the Council utilizes to approve grant funding within the Consent Agenda, an outline of the grant applications is below. The details of each grant are also attached. If you have any objections, please speak with a member of staff.

Grant Reference Title

Grant Amount

Grant Program

Assistance to Firefighters Grant

$ 133,000

Assistance to Firefighters Grant

Imagination Celebration of
Salt Lake City 2009/2010



Art Works for Kids!

Utah Food Bank Services

In-kind donation


Partner Agency Program

Imagination Celebration of
Salt Lake City


Arts & Culture

Riparian Restoration in Parley’s Historic Nature Park


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Non-Point Source Financial Assistance

Jordan River Bank Stabilization 


American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Non-Point Source Financial Assistance



Additional City Council Announcements

June 2, 2009



A.    Information Needed by Council Staff

1. Council staff is seeking permission to advertise early a public hearing on a petition to amend the Lowlands Conservancy Overlay District. UNEV Pipeline, LLC., received a positive recommendation from the Salt Lake City Planning Commission last week for a text amendment that would add an underground pipeline to the list of conditional uses for a lowland conservancy overlay district. According to Planning Division staff, no one spoke in opposition to the proposal, and the Planning Commission recommendation was unanimous. The pipeline company plans to build a 415 mile pipeline from a North Salt Lake refinery to Las Vegas. The pipeline would be 12 inches in diameter and be buried several feet underground. The required temporary construction right of way would be 75 feet wide, and a permanent right of way would be 50 feet wide. The pipeline would run about 2,300 feet through the lowland conservancy district. The Planning Commission’s positive recommendation came after it turned down a company proposal to make part of a trail system through the conservancy district. The proposal was roundly opposed by duck hunting clubs in the district. The pipeline would run through dry ground. A positive effect of the pipeline would be to significantly reduce truck traffic hauling refined oil products between the refinery and Las Vegas. The Planning Division estimates that its report would not be finalized until after the Planning Commission’s May 27 minutes are approved at its June 13 meeting. A rough schedule would be for the City Council to receive a briefing at the Council’s first July meeting, hold a public hearing at its second meeting in July and act on the petition at its first meeting in August.


Is the Council comfortable with advertising the public hearing early?  Yes.