2001 Council Announcements

July 5, 2001


City Council Announcements

July 5, 2001


A.    Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. COUNCIL DISTRICT REAPPORTIONMENT:  Is the Council interested in creating a subcommittee to work on the redistricting issue?  In talking with the County Elections Clerk, the Recorder's Office has learned that the Elections Clerk has a great deal of information that has been loaded into a software program on the County's system.  The software is called ArcView and is GIS-based.  The software has been loaded on some computers in Salt Lake City’s Recorder's Office and should have GIS information downloaded to it in about a month.  Once operational, the software will allow the City to run various districting scenarios.  All Council Members were in favor of a subcommittee. 


      2. Fleet Management Performance Audit:  The selection committee has recommended two firms. The attached materials are provided in advance to Councilmembers. We will request a decision on July 10th.  Council Members were in favor of a subcommittee to review the top two firms.



B.    Council Office Policies


C.    For Your Information


D.    Meetings