2004 Council Announcements

January 6, 2004


City Council Announcements

January 6, 2004

A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. Given the helpful information that the Council has received about housing from City and non-profit advisory boards, as well as developers and others interested in housing, Council Member Saxton is suggesting that the Council’s housing subcommittee meet quarterly with any of those who are available and interested to brainstorm about ideas, etc. 

           Subcommittee consists of Council Members Jergensen and Saxton.


      Nancy is suggesting that the Council send a letter thanking those who have participated to date and inviting them to participate in a longer-term effort.  She also suggests urging those boards whose membership did not yet have the opportunity to discuss this to do so in the coming months and share their thoughts with the Council.


      The Council discussed a similar concept previously and expressed support for the concept.  Following is the announcement outlining that approach:


      “One idea that has been raised is to create a forum in which the Chairs of City Boards and Commissions with a housing component meet quarterly with leaders of key community housing organizations along with City legislative and administrative representatives.  The central purpose would be to discuss housing policy issues and topics that arise out of the Council’s discussions and to identify steps that may be taken by either government or private entities to implement key policy concepts.” 


      Would Council Members be interested in implementing such a forum?

      Would the Council like to move in the direction suggested by Council Member Saxton and have this forum be hosted by the Council’s subcommittee, or enable the forum?


            Council Members suggested re-evaluating the need for quarterly meetings after the first meeting.


2. Every two years, the Council Office reviews the Council Member Policy Manual.  We now have a series of policy changes for your review.  So that you won’t have to deal with them all at once, we will be sending revisions to you in the announcements on a regular basis.  Please note that there are also a number of minor housekeeping items, such as updating the order in which Council Members will conduct meetings for the next four years, modifying the number of agenda packet copies made weekly for the Administration, as well as updated titles of Council staff members.  These types of housekeeping corrections have been made; however, if Council Members wish to see these changes as well, they can be added to the announcements.


      Do Council Members approve of the following Council Member policy changes?


1.         A.18  Staff Attendance at Night Meetings

a.  The Executive Director is expected to attend all regularly scheduled City Council meetings.  Other staff members are expected to attend all regularly scheduled Council meetings when an issue for which they are responsible appears on the agenda.  Two staff members The Executive Director and a Constituent Liaison are expected to attend the District meetings held each year.

      (Note:  In previous years, the full Council was expected to attend yearly District meetings.  The Council Executive Director and City Recorder also attended these meetings.  More recently, it has been the practice of the full Council to attend the district meetings only at the request of the Council Member who is hosting the district meeting.  Because the focus of the district meetings seems now to be directed more towards constituent concerns, it has been the practice of the Council Office to send two Council staff members to the district meetings.)

            Council Members felt the changes were fine.

2.         A.26  Capital and Debt Management
The Council requests that the Administration submit an updated proposed five-year capital improvement plan to the Council along with the Mayor’s Recommended Budget. each December 1 for adoption.       

      (Note:  Since the adoption of this resolution, the Administration has traditionally included the 5- year CIP plan with the budget rather than in December.)


               Council Members felt the updates could be submitted along with the proposed budget.


3.         C.13  Work Session and Other Informal Minutes
a.  The City Council shall provide resources to the City Recorder’s Office which allow that office to prepare the minutes of the Work Sessions and other meetings as requested.  Retreats, and District Meetings.


            Council Members felt the changes were fine.


3. Sections of the City Council Orientation Manual have recently been updated.  A revised copy is provided for each Council Member.  Revisions were made to the following sections: 


     The Players

     Community Relations

     Light Rail section changed to “Mass Transit” (along with revisions)

     Board and Commissions

     Appendix E – Legislative Intent Statements

     Appendix F – Council Office Budget

     Appendix G – Salt Lake City Budget Sources of Income and Expenditure

     Appendix H – Basic Media Relations Handbook – The Exoro Group (new                        information)


Council Members indicated they had received a copy of the revisions.


4. Board Re-appointment: Michael F. Jones was appointed to the Board of Adjustment on February 9, 1999. He is now eligible for re-appointment for a term extending through December 31, 2008. Would the Council like to interview Mr. Jones again prior to consideration of his re-appointment?


            Council Members said an additional interview would not be necessary.


5. Quarterly Update on Collection of Outstanding Parking Tickets (Through November 15, 2003) For Discussion and Response


      Attached is the update from the Administration per legislative intent adopted on August 11, 2003. The Administration reports a net collection amount of approximately $350,000 as of November 15, 2003. The budget for this special collection effort was $500,000. Discussion about the probability of ticket collection, expenses and personnel relating to the collection effort and a proposal for collection efforts in the future are included in the transmittal from the Administration.


      Attachment:  Quarterly Update (Through November 15, 2003)


            Council Members felt the quarterly report was adequate and did not require a briefing.


6. Interim Financial Statements for the three Months Ending September 30, 2003.


The 1st Quarter Interim Financial Statements reflect only a small portion of revenue since sales and franchise taxes received in July and August relate to the prior fiscal year. The Administration will provide the Council with revenue collection and forecast information in conjunction with each quarterly budget amendment request.


If the Council wishes, a briefing on the 1st Quarter Interim Financial Statements can be presented.


Attachment:  Interim Financial Statements


            Council Members said a briefing was not necessary.   


B. For Your Information


1. Small Business Revolving Loan Fund Quarterly Report – Attached is the quarterly report from the Department of Community & Economic Development on the Small Business Revolving Loan Fund for the period July thru September 2003.  In addition to providing information on the number of loans granted and denied, the report mentions that CED will be forwarding criteria revisions to the Council to bring the City into compliance with the Doug Short requirements.  If you have any questions or desire additional information regarding this report please let Council staff know. 


            Council Members said a briefing was not necessary.


2. Attached are notifications of a grant application and an application to a federal reimbursement program that the city recently submitted.


         *****Councilmember Saxton’s request to reevaluate the ordinance of fines for snow removal violators was rescheduled to the City Council Work Session meeting of Thursday January 8, 2004. 



City Council Announcements

January 6, 2004


1. Legislative Breakfast – Reminder

      The Legislative Breakfast will be held at 7:30 a.m. at Memorial House in Memory Grove on Friday, January 9.  Coffee and juice will be available starting at 7:15 a.m.  The list of City issues is quite brief.  Steven Allred will be there to review them with Legislators.


            Cindy Gust-Jensen reminded Council Members of Friday’s schedule.  Council Chair Love said she wanted to review this procedure next year. 


2. Leonardo

      The Mayor has indicated he would welcome participation from three Council Members of the Council’s choice at a meeting to coordinate with The Leonardo relating to the bond. 


            Council Members Buhler and Jergensen will participate.


3. Council Member Saxton has requested that the Council Chair and Vice-Chair consider choosing replacements to represent the Council on the following boards:


Salt Lake County Council of Government (COG)


           Councilmember Christensen will represent the City with COG. 


            League of Cities and Towns Policy Committee

Wasatch Front Regional Council


                       Council Chair Love said it may help to get clarification from these boards as to what type of participation was needed from the City.