2004 Council Announcements

February 3, 2004


City Council Announcements

February 3, 2004



A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1.    Board Re-Appointment: Public Utilities Advisory Committee: The Mayor is recommending that Ms. Jan Striefel’s position be changed from a county service district representative to a regular city board member. Ms. Striefel has recently moved into the city (1449 E 1700 S) and was interviewed February 11, 2003. Ms. Striefel will replace Mr. Gil Iker whose term expired in January  2004. Does the Council approve this recommendation?

Council approved the recommendation.



2.    As discussed at the retreat, Council Members Buhler, Lambert and Love have recently had discussions with constituents from their districts regarding the proposed Open Space Trust Fund and Advisory Board Ordinance.  The constituents have noted several issues that need further research and consideration such as defining as clearly as possible what open space is and the purposes for which the bond money is to be utilized.  The constituents have requested that the Council delay the adoption process to allow the opportunity for additional review and recommendations from an outside consultant.  They have suggested obtaining assistance from Mr. Marty Zeller with Conservation Partners, Inc. in Denver.  Please see the attached resume for additional details relating to Mr. Zeller’s experience.  Would Council Members approve a maximum of $1,000 for this project?

Council approved this project.


B. For Your Information


1. Attached please find the details on three grant applications submitted by the Fire Department.


3. Attached please find the latest edition of the Youth City Newsletter, January 2004.

Additional Announcements

City Council Announcements

February 3, 2004


A. Decisions, Feedback & Information needed by staff


1. City Council members have received notice that they and their families are invited to participate in the Illumination Parade in conjunction with "Winterfest 2004."  You will need to be at the Gateway Mall no later than 6:30 p.m. (Near Z-Tejas Restaurant).  The Jingle Bus will be there (same as last year) ready for you to board.   The parade should last 30 – 45 minutes – at the most!  

      Jodee Scott, the amazing young Native American singer that was on the Today Show several times this fall will join you on the bus. She is going to sing when she gets to the Gallivan, just prior to the “Host City” Volunteer recognition ceremony.

      You are invited to stay and enjoy the music and food at the Gallivan.

      For more info you may go to: www.thegallivancenter.com/winterfest. 


      Contact:  Talitha Day, cell phone - 381-4665


            Council was advised of scheduled events.